Katsof Consulting firm which seeks to help entrepreneurs around the world connect with sources of capital recently led a U.S. Commerce Department Certified Trade Mission to Mumbai, India and to Hong Kong to help U.S. Private Equity and Venture Capital Funds in the discovery and exploration of new Limited Partner investors. In this visit a group of ten leading private equity and venture capital fund managers were selected to accompany Irwin Katsof on this successful trade mission. These exclusive certified trade missions give Private Equity and Venture Capital Fund Managers the opportunity to meet potential investors. The Mission provided:
• One-on-one meetings with investors
• The opportunity to meet Institutional limited partner investors from some of the largest Insurance companies and Pension Funds.
• A forum during which ideas and strategies were exchanged with investors, other U.S.-based fund managers, and policy-makers from both India and Hong Kong and the United States.
• An Exclusive opportunity for intimate interaction between U.S. GPs and foreign LPs.
• Promotion of U.S. PE and VC Funds
• Introduction of the U.S. PE and VC Funds to foreign Limited Partner investors.
These Missions have been successfully carried out since 2011. In 2012, Katsof Consulting was selected to organize the first ever U.S. Department of Commerce, Private Equity and Venture Capital Certified Trade Mission to Germany. This Trade Mission was co-sponsored by the U.S. Department of Commerce International Trade Administration, the U.S. Embassy in Berlin, Deutsche Bank and SAIL Venture Partners. Some of the leading funds in the United States attended including Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR), Kleiner Perkins, GE Alternative Energy and Polaris Investments. The Missions bring benefits for both the Limited Partner investors and the Fund Managers equally. The Benefits to Fund Managers include:
• Exposure to top level investors in an exclusive setting
• Knowledge gained from investors
• The opportunity to serve as a delegate in a U.S. government initiative aimed at promoting the nation’s leadership in private equity and venture capital to foreign institutional investors.
During the recent mission to India and Hong Kong, one day of meetings were set up which brought the U.S. Fund managers together with a group of leading Institutions from each country. The Investors from Hong Kong and India included:
• Institutional Investors (Insurance, Pension)
• Corporate Investors
• Family Office Managers
• Heads of Families
• High Net Worth Individuals
About Katsof Consulting:
Irwin Katsof founded Katsof Consulting in 2013 and the firm is an extension of Global Capital Associates also founded by Irwin Katsof in 2005 and Katsof Energy Consulting (founded in 2012) Irwin Katsof established these companies in a determined effort to help entrepreneurs around the world connect with sources of capital. Katsof Consulting has successfully helped many of America’s chief corporate executives, fund managers and entrepreneurs get access to capital, developing markets and profitable partnerships.
For more information go to http://katsof.com
Company Name: Katsof Consulting
Contact Person: Irwin Katsof
Email:Send Email
Country: United States
Website: http://katsof.com
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