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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Flip PDF is Ideal Flip Book Tool to Create Online Magazines

Flip PDF by FlipBuilder is considered as the best tool that can transform PDF files into online magazines with animation and sound. The best part is that creations can be readily published online, sent via email or distributed through mobile or CD.

Users will enjoy the ease and convenience of publishing creations online with the help of the Upload Online Service. It allows single or batch upload of books or magazines without requiring any FTP or upload tool anymore. The tool also provides shopping carts to purchase buttons or bookcases that can be used to sell any book online. There are also several pre-designed templates, backgrounds and themes that users can choose from. Additionally, plugins can be added to books such as news rotator, banner, music player, image slide and many more.

Users have the freedom to create realistic page flip eBooks in just a matter of minutes with the help of the templates. Flip PDF is also capable of importing bookmarks, hyperlinks and text from the original PDF files. The hyperlinks can be clicked on to flip to another page or go to a webpage while the bookmark enables users to browse the books quickly. There are also features offered by Flip PDF such as creating a distinct style through customization of the colors. Users can set a background image for branding purposes.

The toolbar can also be customized to allow or not allow users to print, download or share the eBook. There are different settings for customization to choose from. For users with a Google Analytics account, the in-built Google Analytics Embedding is a great add-on. It can help boost the market effectiveness of any publication. There is also an Assistant feature that helps with the recording of audio and the BookCase tool to help build a digital library to store and manage eBooks. Lastly, the eBooks can be integrated with the social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.

About Flip PDF

The software series by FlipBuilder is suitable for publishing eBooks, online magazines, newspapers and many more. The software series gained a number of users in just a short time and have been recognized for functionality and ease of use.

For more information about Flip PDF, visit for more information.

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