According to Archie Herring, the author and creator of The Three Magi: Quest For the Christmas Word, Love and Peace, the ‘Give3Get3’ campaign is spreading a message of giving this holiday season, providing families and children with an alternative to the commercialism surrounding Christmas. A recent article featured in Gulf News underscores the importance of fostering a spirit of giving, noting that most children are naturally empathetic and prone to wanting to help others: “Developmentally, children are also self-centered, so by emphasizing charity, you are helping them practice the idea of taking others into consideration. Today’s consumerism and marketing machinery also bombards our children with a constant barrage of things they ‘must have’ or ‘really need’ and kids get stuck in a ‘give me, give me’ rut without realizing. Charity takes the focus off their demands and puts it on giving and of being useful to others.”
Rather than focusing on getting this holiday season, the ‘Give3Get3’ campaign is empowering families to create a new tradition focused on random acts of kindness. The ‘Give3Get3’ pledge encourages the concept of helping humanity as an alternative to the consumerist culture, inspiring children and their families to place a special emphasis on giving this Christmas.
“As a reward for their giving, children receive presents from the three magi,” he said. “The pledge concept leverages the true meaning of Christmas for children and their families, providing them with a platform that is more focused on service learning, helping humanity and creating new traditions. When children experience the euphoria of something different at Christmas through the ‘Give3Get3’ pledge, they cultivate a deeper appreciation for giving back.”
The article expounds on this idea: “Doing something for others who need your help is a very enriching experience for children and helps improve the world they live in. Charity teaches children that they are connected to the world and that the well-being of others is also important. It builds their self-esteem to see that their actions can bring about change in someone else’s circumstances.”
According to Archie Herring and the team at Believe In Three, the pledge to focus on random acts of kindness as an alternative to the commercial-driven holiday season inspires a ripple affect beyond simply the child and his or her spirit of giving. The pledge serves as a vehicle to involve parents and neighborhoods, impacting entire communities.
“We are encouraging people of all ages to reap the benefits of the ‘Give3Get3’ pledge. The idea is that kids have been ‘got’ by a ‘giver.’ They can then fill out random acts of kindness, fulfill those random acts and then leave the card to spread the message of kindness to others. Flyers and other promotional materials will be distributed in local businesses where people can find and fill out the pledge card,” he said.”
“All they have to do is download the card at the interactive kids’ website, Through this pledge, children can experience the true meaning of Christmas, which is giving and service. They are inspired to give alongside others in the quest for the word, love and peace – reclaiming an alternative way to celebrate this holiday season. Santa Claus is still going to come, but so are the three magi. What child would not want to give three acts of kindness in exchange for three gifts they desire?” The story of the Three Magi: Quest For the Christmas Word, Love and Peace and the ‘Give3Get3’ pledge are created to teach children and communities the value of giving back, inspiring families to understand and reaffirm the real meaning of Christmas.
Archie Herring is the creator and author of The Three Magi: Quest for the Christmas Word, Love and Peace – a children’s book dedicated to the quest for the Christmas word, love and peace. Believe In Three is proud to be the official sponsor of The Three Magi, as it is an adventure-filled blend of Christmas fantasy and biblical reality designed to teach the true meaning of Christmas. The ‘Give3Get3’ Official Three Magi Acts of Kindness Pledge aims to introduce children and families to the importance of giving, supplying communities with a platform in which they can promote service learning during the holiday season, creating new traditions focused on giving. Believe In Three is devoted to teaching youth the value of serving humanity through a biblical framework. Herring invites families to participate in the pledge, encouraging children to perform three acts of giving during the holiday season in return for three Christmas gifts on Christmas Eve delivered by the three magi.
Company Name: Believe In Three
Contact Person: Archie Herring
Email:Send Email
Phone: 336-525-5020
Country: United States
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