Ruling God: Kamadeva
Ruling planet : Venus
Benefits : Enhancing charisma and attraction .
There are a lot of things in this world that can affect the way people live whether in a positive or negative manner. But of course people would choose to have things that can bring positivity in their life. One great example of these things is the rudraksha beads. There different types of rudraksha beads and each and every one of them have their own power, meaning, and benefits. Today, we will talk about the importance and benefits of Terah mukhi rudraksha bead also known as the thirteen mukhi rudraksha bead.
Terah mukhi rudraksha bead belongs to the thirteen ratna (gems). The wearer of this bead will obtain the thirteen ratna blessed by Lord Shiva. The good thing about this rudraksha bead is that it helps on removing all kind of diseases that the wearer has. It is said that it holds the power of the thirteen saints (sant). It symbolizes Lord Kamdeva and its rulling planet is Venus. Also the ruling God of this rudraksha is Lord Indra. On the other hand, it is believed that the wearer of this rudraksha bead will accomplish and enjoy all the luxuries in life. The wearer will also be blessed with all the blessings of devtas and Maha Laxmi which brings money comfort and luxuries in life.
Before wearing this rudraksha bead it is necessary to chant the related rudraksha mantra along with the rudraksha Utpatti Mantra for at least 9 times daily and is best worn on Moday. As per various Purana, thirteen mukhi is the form of king Indra. It brings assets and increases honor to the wearer. To sum it up, this rudraksha bead brings all the earthly desires and the eight accomplishments also known as the Siddhies. If you are a scientist or if your profession in under the medical science you will obtain new horizon of success.
Thirteen mukhi rudraksha bead is undoubtedly powerful. In fact, the wearer of this rudraksha will gain strength and will win any debate situations. Its effects can be compared to the six mukhi rudraksha. Both are very effective and helpful in terms of meditation and spiritual attainments. It also helps on increasing the wearer’s mental power to the highest level just like the six mukhi. Here are some of the many benefits of this rudraksha bead.
- Provides charisma, magnetism, pleasure, and even Ashthasiddhi to the wearer.
- Lift the wearer into a higher position as well as increasing his honor.
- Helps those who are planning to have a baby
- Helps on regulating the functioning of the wearer’s reproductive system and Uro
- The wearer will obtain the hypnotic power of Vashikarana (attraction)
- Helps on awakening the wearer’s Swadhisthan Chakra
- Best for scientist, lawyers, researchers, and speakers
With all of these benefits, thirteen mukhi really is one of the most beneficial and power thing in this world. However, if you think that this rudraksha bead is not suitable for you then worry no more because there are still numerous types of rudraksha beads out there.
For more information visit:
Company Name: Rudraksha Collection
Contact Person: Satnarine Rooplal
Email:Send Email
Phone: 4165253868
Address:5333 McFarren Blvd
City: Mississauga
State: Ontario
Country: Canada
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