One of the most historical gemstone that is still widely used these days is the Lapiz Lazuli Gemstone. The ancient Egyptian cultures believed that this is a stone for protection. In fact, they have a practice where they buried the gemstone along on the dead bodies. They are the first cultures that valued this gemstone even more than the gold. It is believed that this gemstone was already in use around 4000 B.C and is still being in used today. The Greeks on the other hand was mistakenly thought that lapiz lazuli is a sapphire. But as time passed people are starting to notice the presence of this semi precious gemstone. In fact, some people believed that this gemstone is perfect for work and meditation.
It is said that lapiz lazuli can bring peace in mind. In fact, it is considered as one of the most powerful gemstones and is known as the stone for wisdom and truth. This gemstone can be found in United States, Chile, and Soviet Union. However, it is said that the biggest producer of this gemstone is Afghanistan. In fact, laspis lazuli was being mined as early as 7th millennium BC at several mining areas in Afghanistan. Now, what really are the uses and purposes of this gemstone? Below, you will know the overview uses and purposes of this semi precious gemstone.
According to the astrological belief, lapiz lazuli is an excellent gemstone for the journalists, psychologists, and executives since it is capable of stimulating good judgment and wisdom in today’s practical world. It can help on enhancing ones intellect, creativity, and problem solving analysis. As mentioned above, this gemstone is very powerful especially on activating our higher mind which stimulates out desire for obtaining knowledge, understanding, truth, and learning. It is a perfect stone to enhance the memory in general. In addition, lapiz lazuli gemstone is also a perfect gemstone to wear or carry it times of auditions. It is also best to wear when at work because it can attract promotion, recognition, and success.
On the other hand, just like any other gemstone lapiz lazuli also has physical, emotion, chakra and balancing, and spiritual properties. When it comes to the physical properties of this gemstone, it is beneficial for healing or getting rid of larynx, throat, and vocal chords problems. It can also enhance the body’s circulation and at the same time improving the cardiac rhythm. For the emotional properties, lapiz lazuli is considered as the stone of truth. It promotes self-awareness and as stated above promotes acceptance to knowledge in any aspects. Moreover, this gemstone also promotes dignity particularly on friendship and social capability. Now, for the chakra and balancing properties lapiz lazuli gemstone is capable of activating the owner or wearer’s psychic centers and at the same time balances the throat chakra energies. And finally, this gemstone is also known for its spiritual properties. In fact, it is said to be one of the oldest spiritual stones being used by priest, healers, and royalty to obtain wisdom and power.
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