Losing extra body fat can be a daunting task for a severely obese person, and bariatric surgery is often presented as a quick and easy fix; however, long after the stitches heal, patients experience complications that beg the question: “Was it worth it?”
According to the Centers for Disease Control, more than one-third of American adults are obese – having a BMI over 30 – and obesity is the main cause of the nation’s most prevalent diseases, including type-two diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some cancers. Obesity is also linked to a lower quality of life and depression.
With all the health risks involved with obesity, patients are urged to lose the excess body fat in order to regain their health, and one of the most common methods of weight loss intervention is bariatric surgery. The American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery reports that bariatric surgeries in the United States have skyrocketed from 13,000 in 1998 to more than 200,000 in 2008. The three most common bariatric procedures – gastric bypass, gastric banding, and sleeve gastrectomy – all involve suppressing hunger by making the stomach smaller, which makes it physically impossible for the patient to overeat.
Patients opting for bariatric weight loss face months of recovery from surgery and a laundry list of repercussions, including a lifetime of follow-up doctor visits. Other potential complications include a dilation of the esophagus due to overeating, long-term vitamin deficiencies, and a potential for other health risks like women giving birth to underweight or premature babies.
Possibly the most overlooked problem with bariatric surgery is the fact that it only addresses the sensation of a full stomach when many other factors can compel a person to eat more calories that their body requires. A more holistic approach to weight loss addresses the emotional element to chronic overeating. One such holistic approach is the extract of the Garcinia Cambogia plant used for thousands of years in Asian cultures to help curb appetite and enhance mood. Dieters can achieve natural weight loss without going under the surgical knife.
Modern science now knows that Garcinia Cambogia extract helps to block fat and carbs from absorbing into the bloodstream and naturally lowers cortisol, the stress hormone responsible for hoarding fat around the abdominal area. Garcinia Cambogia also helps boost serotonin levels in the brain, enhancing mood and discouraging emotional eating.
Herbal supplement producer NuVitality’s Natural Garcinia Cambogia Extract can help dieters lose extra body fat safely and effectively without any side effects. NuVitality also produces White Mulberry Leaf Extract to help regulate blood sugar levels when taken at the same time as foods high on the glycemic index. The company makes both products with all- natural ingredients in the United States, and they come with a money-back guarantee.
Company Name: NuVitality
Contact Person: Paul
Email:Send Email
Phone: (+1) 773 747 6874
Address:1608 S. Ashland Ave #59563
City: Chicago
State: IL
Country: United States
Website: http://www.amazon.com/Garcinia-Cambogia-Lean-Recommended-Suppressant/dp/B00CC0AB96
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