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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Evangelical Pastor Rev. Rodriguez Continues 40-day Immigration Fast as House Set to Leave

House Speaker John Boehner plans to close for business on Friday for the holidays, the same day Reverend Samuel Rodriguez hits his 40th day of fast for immigration reform.

While activists who staged a 21 and a half day fast at the site of the National Mall ended their protest last Tuesday, after a physician said their bodies had taken all that their bodies could do for their cause.

Rodriguez, chairman of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, continues towards his 40 days and nights without solid food, following biblical gospel teachings of a similar fast by Jesus Christ.

All Rodriguez is consuming is sparkling water - the carbonation to give him the feeling of being full, and occasionally sipping some broth, he has lost between 15 and 20 pounds since the beginning of his fast on November 4th. He has fought fevers, an upper respiratory infection and an extremely low white blood cell count along with severe bronchitis all while trying to maintain a hectic travel schedule.

Unfortunately, his acts have seen not relenting from Boehner. But Rodriguez won’t give up. “We have this crazy idea that God actually listens to our prayers that God has been in the midst of this exercise.” he told NBC Latino in a phone interview.

As a pastor and chairman of the National Hispanic christian Leadership Conference, Rodriguez sees 40,118 evangelical congregations across the country, a population that makes a good starting point for the GOP Latino outreach, so he is using that influence to help his own cause.


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