HOLLYWOOD -- CP Exam Prep, Inc. offers a nine-week, real-time, on-line study course using the GoToMeeting© web-platform. Students may participate in the classes from any mobile phone, tablet or computer. The comprehensive nine-week program is offered either on Saturday morning or Monday evening with a mock exam on the last week of the program.
The nine-week program costs only $295.00 and is payable via PayPal or other major credit card. On-line registration is taking place now for the next course Saturday session which begins on June 22nd, 2013 and June 24th for the next Monday course session.
For More Information, Contact:
Linda Nottestad, CP, FRP
CP Exam Prep, Inc.
1431 North 64 Avenue
Hollywood, Florida 33024
954 961 2531
Linda Nottestad, a legal professional since 1972, founded CPEXAMPREP.COM to help others prepare for and pass the various Certified Paralegal Exams. Ms. Nottestad has been conducting live classroom programs at various Miami Universities for the past 5 years. Due to an increased demand from out-of-state students, CPEXAMPREP.COM was created. Sessions are limited to 25 students and can be participated in from any computing device.
Contact Person: Linda Nottestad
Email:Send Email
Phone: 954 961 2531
Address:1431 North 64 Avenue Hollywood, Florida 33024
Website: http://www.cpexamprep.com
Source: www.abnewswire.com
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